Cooperative & Small Business Members

Cooperative & Small Business Members

Getting connected to the wrong Vendors cost you money,
Getting connected to the right one, makes you money. 

Trusted Members are a group of organizations that have been vetted and approved by The Nonprofit Cooperative. They are experts in the field and have a proven track record of success. TNC divides Trusted Members into zones for the convenience of nonprofits, ensuring they don't have to work across zones and to maintain member exclusivity within their zone.

Nonprofits can use Trusted Members in any zone they feel fit. For example, a nonprofit in the Pacific Zone could use a Trusted Member in another zone. The decision of which zone to use will depend on the specific needs of the nonprofit.

Here are some of the benefits of using Trusted Members:

✅ Trust and Reliability: Our vetting process guarantees that our members are trustworthy and committed to serving nonprofits. We understand that building trust is essential in any partnership, and our rigorous evaluation ensures that you can have full confidence in their ability to deliver exceptional services.


✅ Risk Mitigation: Partnering with unknown vendors can carry inherent risks that could impact your organization's reputation and financial stability. However, by choosing our Trusted members, you can significantly reduce those risks.


✅ Time and Effort Savings: Searching for vendors can be time-consuming and overwhelming. As a nonprofit, your time and resources are valuable. By utilizing our Trusted Member, you can save valuable time and effort by tapping into our pre-vetted pool of top-tier members.


✅ Quality Assurance: We understand that quality is paramount when it comes to selecting vendors. As a nonprofit organization, you deserve the best of the best in the sector. Our rigorous evaluation process ensures that our vendors meet the highest standards of excellence.

If you are a nonprofit that is looking for a vendor, I encourage you to contact our Trusted Members. 

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