Vetted Vendors

Our Vetted Trusted Vendors

Our Vetted Trusted Vendors Program ensures that every vendor partnering with The Nonprofit Cooperative has undergone a rigorous vetting process, assuring our members of reliability, integrity, and alignment with their unique needs. We understand that every decision counts for nonprofits, and our commitment is to connect them with vendors who not only meet their requirements but also contribute to their mission effectively.

Key features of our program include:

  1. Comprehensive Vetting Process: Every vendor undergoes a thorough vetting process.
  2. Board Approval: Our Board carefully evaluates each vendor to ensure they meet our standards of excellence, ethics, and reliability. Only those approved receive our Trusted Member seal of approval.
  3. Exclusive Membership: Members enjoy exclusive access to vendors within their designated zone - East, Central, or Pacific. This reduces the number of options, making it easier for members to find the perfect fit for their needs.
  4. Customized Solutions: We understand that every nonprofit has unique requirements. Our vendors are committed to providing customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of our members.
  5. Cost-Effective Partnerships: Partnering with the right vendor can save money and resources for nonprofits. Our program ensures that members are connected with vendors who not only deliver exceptional service but also offer cost-effective solutions.
  6. Continuous Support: We provide ongoing support to our members throughout their partnership with our trusted vendors. Our goal is to foster long-term relationships that support the growth and success of nonprofits.

At The Nonprofit Cooperative, we believe that connecting with the right vendors is essential for achieving organizational goals and maximizing impact. Our Vetted Trusted Vendors Program is designed to streamline this process, allowing nonprofits to focus on their mission with confidence and peace of mind.

Vetted Cooperative and Small Business Members


Cooperative Members (CM) and Small Business Members (SBM). our Trusted Members are for-profits that are selected by the Nonprofit Cooperative to serve our nonprofits on a national or multi-state basis. These companies can be any size organization in any industry. The Nonprofit Cooperative has three Membership Zones across the United States to have a member near you. 


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